Thursday, September 17, 2009

A new trend: Flavored Salvia Extracts 2

Myth: Any kind of flavored Salvia Divinorum is the same.
Fact: Being our company the first one manufacturing Flavored Salvia, we'd like to disagree! We're now into our second generation flavoring, meaning that our formula has been improved in a number of steps, how we actually apply the flavoring to the Salvia, how we dry the extract, and the ways in which we store and package it to best preserve the scents. As we've learned, this is not knowledge someone can simply gain overnight. Quality Salvia flavoring requires specific knowledge and a big amount of trial and error, not only to accurately understand it, but to maintain the improvement in the flavoring and the final product. We are ready to compare our flavored Salvia with anyone's in both product quality and customer satisfaction.

Between Salvia manufacturers there's a growing trend, flavored Salvia Extracts are here to stay. It doesn't necessarily mean they are all the same, or that any company could manufacture a quality flavored Salvia Extract product to market. We hope this article has told you enough about flavored Salvia Extracts. It definitely addresses three of the most usual myths we get about them at BHB. If you have any further questions, be sure to email them to us. Who knows, perhaps your doubt, and its reply, would be included in the next chapter of this article.

You can purchase Salvia Extracts at